[Fresh Releases] 2011.02.13-19

AgesandAges/Alright You Restless [Indie Rock]

Cowboy Junkies/Nomad Series: Demons, Vol. 2 [Pop/Rock]

Drive-By Truckers/Go-Go Boots [Country Rock]
鄉村老將再次出擊, 男人味十足

Runner Runner/Runner Runner [Emo-Pop]

Zoey Van Goey/Propeller Versus Wings [Indie Pop]

(歌手團名 / 專輯名稱 [曲風])
A Skylit Drive/Identity on Fire [Post-Hardcore]
Alex Winston/Sister Wife [Indie Rock]
Asobi Seksu/Fluorescence [Indie Rock]
The Babies/The Babies [Indie Rock]
Ben Ottewell/Shapes & Shadows [Folk]
Brown Recluse/Impression of a City Morning [Indie Rock]
Chixdiggit!/Safeways Here We Come [Punk-Pop]
Cowboy Junkies/Nomad Series: Demons, Vol. 2 [Pop/Rock]
The Dears/Degeneration Street [Post-Rock]
Dennis Coffey/Absolutely the Best of Dennis Coffey [Jazz]
Dream Diary/You Are the Beat [Indie Rock]
Eddie Spaghetti/Sundowner [Country Rock]
Hayes Carll/KMAG YOYO (& Other American Stories) [Country]
Lifeguards/Waving at the Astronauts [Indie Rock]
Mogwai/Hardcore Will Never Die, But You Will [Experimental Rock]
The Music/Singles & EPs: 2001-2005 [Indie Rock]
PJ Harvey/Let England Shake [Indie Rock]
Rev Theory/Justice [Post-Grunge]
Runner Runner/Runner Runner [Emo-Pop]
Sonic Youth/Simon Werner a Disparu [Experimental Rock]
Teena Marie/Icon [R&B]
Telekinesis/12 Desperate Straight Lines [Indie Rock]
Young Galaxy/Shapeshifting [Indie Rock]
Yuck/Yuck [Indie Rock]
Zoey Van Goey/Propeller Versus Wings [Indie Pop]

[Reba McEntire] 老歌手歷久不衰的老唱法

"Consider me Gone" 這首歌是Reba 2009年的作品, 在2010 CMA看到這場表演, 一樣讓人驚豔!

起先認識Reba是從她和Kelly Clarkson合作改編 "Because of You" 開始, 兩人在陳述歌詞上的能力都很強, 音質也都很重, 一開口就是要抓住聽者的耳朵, 改編的版本, 從第一句就讓大家知道有不一樣, Reba的語氣上是娓娓道來, 完全不同於原本版本中稍帶柔弱的堅強, Kelly接上第二次的主歌時, 尾音用了很多的嘆息, 就語氣的表現上, 這個版本相當精采.

回來這場去年CMA的表演, 說實在的, 此場最高潮就是在Brad Paisley領獎時的那翻談話, 其他表演總覺得少了點什麼(當然, Kenny Chesney 與 Dave Matthews 的合作還是很讚); 但Reba唱歌就是要人專心聽, 不同於 "Because of You", 這首歌的語氣充滿自信; 雖然最後一次副歌中, 想把歌曲拉起來的那個假音並不成功, 導致收尾的不精彩, 但就整體表現壓過許多年輕人; 不用華麗的舞台表演, 不用神人等級的歌唱技巧, 就是老歌手歷久不衰的老唱法.

也來回味一下與Kelly合作的Because of You吧!

[Gary Moore, 1952-2011]

想當年大三的時候, 因為光南特價的巧合買了這張VCD, 從此愛上Gary Moore那種過動兒式的Rock n' Roll, 這個版本有Albert King助陣, 兩人用有趣的互動來表現Blues, 無奈都已下了人生舞台...

ps. Albert King, "King of Blues", 1923-1992